WOD del 06.02

GIOVEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds 10 PVC raises in prone position 10 PVC press btn in prone position 10+10 Split squat WOD Every 120” x 8 set 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk with 2” pause in catch COUT 5-10-15-20 Push press @50/35 TTB

WOD del 05.02

MERCOLEDÌWUPAmrap 5’10 PVC Muscle Snatch10 Down & Up20 Lateral Jump on PVC WODFor Time100 DU15 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Power Snatch @35/2575 DU15 Bar Facing Burpees12 Power Snatch @43/3050 DU15 Bar Facing Burpees7 Power Snatch @52.5/3525 DU15 Bar Facing Burpees5 Power Snatch @61/43 COUTWith a partner (A/B)5 set each ofA: Leggi tutto…

WOD del 03.02

LUNEDÌ WUP 4 Rounds 5 Ring row – tempo 2022 15 m weighted quadruped crawl WOD 15’ work on RMU transition COUT 5 Round for time 3 Strict RMU//3 Strict C2b//5 Strict PU 9 Double KB Clean 15 m Double KB front rack walking Lunges


LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Round of 12 BB Good morning 10 Banded face Pull 8 MB Clean WOD “E” For Time Cash In: 44 Deadlift @50/35 7 Rounds of 6 BJO 2 BMU 5 Wallball COUT Deload, photo and sharing MARTEDÌ WUP Alt. Emom 8’ Odd: 100 m run Even: 15 Leggi tutto…


LUNEDÌ WUP 4 Round of: 10 Banded Pull down in Hollow Body position 10 Inchworm Push Ups WOD “GENTLEMEN” 14’ EMOM Min 1: 3 BMU Min 2: 6 HSPU COUT Deload Shoulders MARTEDÌ WUP 1200 m run WOD 25’ Amrap 100 m Front rack KBs carry 50 walking Lunges Body Leggi tutto…