
LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 12 external rotation 10 Cuban press 8 Half squat Jump (2” pause in bottom) WOD Every 2’ for 5 sets 8 Power Snatch t&g (40% 1RM) COUT 7 Rounds of: 2 Bar MU 4 Power Snatch MARTEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 200 m run 7+7 Leggi tutto…


LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 10 m Plate OH Walking Lunges 8 Cuban Press 6 Ring to Chest WOD Mantain the same ROM of TEST WEEK and perform Emom 8’ Odd: 35% of Max Strict Hspu Even: 6/8 reps of KB Z Press each arm – tempo 2020 COUT 3 Leggi tutto…


LUNEDÌ WUP 4 Rounds of: 15” Elbow Plank 10 Elbow to Hands 10 Shoulders Tap WOD Mantain the same ROM of TEST WEEK and perform Emom 10’ Odd: 30% of Max Strict Hspu Even: 6/8 reps of Alt. Floor Press in Glutes Bridge – tempo 2020 COUT Amrap 10’ 10 Leggi tutto…

Week 29.07-03-08

LUNEDÌ WUP Emom 9’ Min 1: reverse single unders Min 2: step lunges (bodyweight) Min 3: down & up WOD Amrap 25’ of: 400 m Run 30 Box Step Up 20 Burpees COUT CORE CONDITIONING 3-4 Sets of: 10”-20” Front Scale -30” rest 15” Hollow Body Hold -30” rest 8 Leggi tutto…

WEEK 22-27.07

LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 15” Hanging Hold 10 Scapular Pull-Ups Then: RE-TEST or TEST Max UB PU WOD “BARBARA” 5 Rounds For Time: 20 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Air Squat COUT B&A MARTEDÌ WUP Alt. EMOM 9’ Min 1.: Downward to Upward with 2” stop bottom and Leggi tutto…

Week 15/20.07

LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Sets of: 7+7 Spiderman&Reach 7 Russian Baby Maker 35” Wall Squat Hold WOD Back Squat 15-12-9-6-3 Pick Load -Rest 90”/120” COUT 4 x AMRAP 3’ 21 DU 15 DB Snatch 9 TTB -Rest 90” b/t MARTEDÌ WUP GYM STRENGTH EMOM 10’ Odd: 30% + 2 Even: 8+8 Leggi tutto…

WEEK 08/13.07

LUN ED WUP 16x 30”on 30”off -2kb front rack carry -Side planks pulse DX -Side planks SX -Strict Knee to chest WOD Tabata alt. -Jumping Jack -Skip then 20” run for meters COUT b+a MAR WUP Alt. Emom 9’ -Single Under -Bear hug Medball Squat -Glute bridge WOD Every 3’ Leggi tutto…

WEEK 01/06.07

LUNEDÌ WUP 2 Rounds of: 6 Air Squat Bottom to Bottom 6 Shift from Squat to knees (ankle mobility) 6 Alt. Cossak squat WOD In 20’ find 1 RM of Back Squat COUT Amrap 7’ (3, 6, 9, 12…) Box Jump Push Ups MARTEDÌ WUP GYM STRENGTH Emom 8’ Odd: Leggi tutto…

WEEK 24/28.06

LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 10 Scapular push ups with a 10/5 kg plate on the palms of the hands 5 Ring rows 10 V-Ups WOD “HBMC” 1-2-3-2-1 Rope climbs 15-12-9-12-15 HSPU At the end of every set perform 21 DU COUT Romanian DL – 4×6 MARTEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds Leggi tutto…

WEEK 17/22.06

LUN w/up 3 round 6 plate goodmorning 2” bottom 6 GTOH 12 down+up wod “DT” 5 rft 12 DL @70/47 9 HPC 6 STOH c/out Couch stretch Pigeon pos. MART w/up 3 round 10 rr 10 lunges 5 step BP wod EMOM 20’ -1/2 rope climb -15/20 boxjump -12/15 swing Leggi tutto…