Week 29.07-03-08
LUNEDÌ WUP Emom 9’ Min 1: reverse single unders Min 2: step lunges (bodyweight) Min 3: down & up WOD Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP Emom 9’ Min 1: reverse single unders Min 2: step lunges (bodyweight) Min 3: down & up WOD Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 15” Hanging Hold 10 Scapular Pull-Ups Then: RE-TEST or TEST Max UB PU WOD “BARBARA” Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Sets of: 7+7 Spiderman&Reach 7 Russian Baby Maker 35” Wall Squat Hold WOD Back Squat 15-12-9-6-3 Pick Leggi tutto…
LUN ED WUP 16x 30”on 30”off -2kb front rack carry -Side planks pulse DX -Side planks SX -Strict Knee to Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP 2 Rounds of: 6 Air Squat Bottom to Bottom 6 Shift from Squat to knees (ankle mobility) 6 Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP 3 Rounds of: 10 Scapular push ups with a 10/5 kg plate on the palms of the hands Leggi tutto…
LUN w/up 3 round 6 plate goodmorning 2” bottom 6 GTOH 12 down+up wod “DT” 5 rft 12 DL @70/47 Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP Amrap 5’ 20 Alt. Step Lunges 15 Jumping Jacks 10 Burpees WOD RUN 4 Sets: 5’ on – Leggi tutto…
LUN HD wup 3x 5+5 foot raises in frog position 10 rev. snow angels 10 back rack KB squat wod Leggi tutto…
LUNEDÌ WUP 20” on – 10” off 4x Dead Hang 3x Scapular Pullups 2x Ring row WOD EMOM 10’ 5-10 Leggi tutto…